What Are You Doing This Weekend?

The current average of generic ballot polls show democrats with a 7.7% lead, with the usual margin of error at 3%.

Because of the gerrymandered Congressional Districts, it is generally believed that democrats need to be ahead in the generic poll by at least 6% to have a shot at taking the House. Because of the nature of this year’s Senate races it is generally believed democrats need to be ahead by at least 10% in the generic poll to have a shot at taking the Senate. Do the math

If the margin of error is 2 to 3% in the Republicans favor we are in danger of a CATASTROPHIC DEFEAT with the Republicans retaining control of the House and the Senate.

This would likely mean repeal of the ACA and/or no coverage for preexisting conditions, more tax cuts for the wealthy creating massive deficits and an economy that will eventually collapse, continued appointments of right wing extremists to federal judiciary positions and maybe another Supreme Court Justice. Trump would also likely be emboldened to fire Mueller, Rosenstein and Sessions taking us perilously closer to a fascist dictatorship.

CATASTROPHIC DEFEAT at the state level means Republicans can continue to cut social programs and public education funding, continue to threaten a woman’s right to make her own healthcare decisions AND get to redraw and gerrymander in their favor all state and congressional districts after the next census.

On the other hand, if the margin of error is 3% in the Democrats favor we are on the verge of a GREAT VICTORY with Democrats taking control of the House and the Senate. This would mean Trump’s draconian legislative agenda would be blocked, full investigation into all of his illegal activities and no more right wing extremists appointed to federal judiciary positions.

GREAT VICTORY at the state level means no more funding cuts to social programs and public education, a woman’s right to make her own healthcare decisions is protected AND democrats get to draw the state and congressional districts after the next census. WHAT ARE YOU DOING THIS WEEKEND?

You have options.  Join us Thursday evening at 7 pm for a video conference to discuss the planned activities, get some training and insight and prepare to join us in this last push before the election.

Register in advance for this meeting:


After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. You can join the conference on your phone or computer. 

Don’t have time to join us?  Find activities near you.

These activities include phone banks, canvasses from our office, texting with Our Revolution or Ohio Dems and Virtual Phone Banks.  For more information contact Steve Holecko at steve@cuycpc.org or 440-220-1874

For Ohio Dems Coordinated Campaign scheduled activities:  https://events.mobilizeamerica.io/ohdems/