HB 6 vote scheduled for Tuesday! Contact your State Representative ASAP!

Ohio Senate Approves Nuclear Subsidy Bill That Tosses Efficiency Standards​ was the sad news from last Wednesday evening.

Ohio nuclear bailout bill held up because of lawmakers absences​was the good news from last Wednesday evening as four expected yes votes in the House that were needed to get the bill passed did not show up. 

It was initially expected that a new vote would take place on August 1, but we have since learned that the vote is now expected to occur this Tuesday, July 23.

We are not sure if Tuesday’s vote is to approve the Senate version of the bill or to send it to a conference committee to work out a compromise bill. Either way action is needed today.

Please take a minute to make three calls and/or emails using the links provided. 

One goes to your state representative.​ 

The other two go to:  

District 56 Representative Joe Miller – Phone (614) 466-5141 Email: Rep56@ohiohouse.gov​​

District 10 Representative Terrence Upchurch – Phone (614) 466-7954​ Email: Rep10@ohiohouse.gov

These are Democrats in Northeast Ohio who initially voted for the bill but with enough pressure may do the right thing this time. 
Below are some suggested talking points you can use in your emails

• I do not support HB6, the dirty energy bailout bill.

• The legislation would increase monthly electric bill to bail out old uneconomic nuclear, and nuclear plants and gut Ohio’s clean energy and efficiency standards.

• Please oppose HB6, and support energy efficiency, and clean energy programs that reduce energy costs, and protect our health.

• The rest of the country, including neighboring states in the Midwest, are moving forward to retire coal plants and invest in clean energy.

• One in five people in the US now live in communities committed to 100% clean energy, and the price of renewable energy is expected to be consistently cheaper than fossil fuels by 2020.