CLASH Volunteers Needed Now!

Lead Safe Housing Cleveland

Special thanks to those of you who attended the CLASH (Cleveland Lead Advocates for Safe Housing) Press Conference last Friday.

You can read the print media’s coverage of the event here and here and see a video of the event here. You can see Channel 19 News coverage of our first signature gathering event Saturday morning at the West Side Market here.

The bottom line is we are gathering signatures now and we need 5000 valid signatures ASAP! Next Monday, February 25 we’ll be opening petition pick up and drop off locations and canvassing launch points around the city. Although you need to be a registered voter in the City of Cleveland to sign the petition you only need to be a registered voter in the State of Ohio to circulate petitions. CLASH volunteer opportunities include:

1) Phone banking: This would be to CCPC members who live in Cleveland asking them first if they would be willing to sign the petition and second if they would be willing to gather signatures from family and friends. This can be done from home. If you’re willing to make calls please click here (put the link you created) and we’ll contacting you soon.

2) Host a petition pick up and drop off location in Cleveland. This could be at your house or a nearby coffee shop, library or friendly business. The ask here is that you be available at that location a couple of days a week or more. If this is something you might be able to do please call Steve Holecko at 440 220 1874 for more information.

3) Canvass at hot spot or high traffic area location. Meeting place for canvassing is at NEOCH (Northeast Ohio Coalition for the Homeless, 3631 Perkins Ave.#3  Cleveland 44114. Shifts run daily morning through evening. To sign up for a shift next week please go to CLASH Lead Safe Ballot Initiative Canvassing and if possible attend a training meeting this Saturday at 10 am at NEOCH.

Sign Up Now!