3 Years Ago Today, 3 Days from Today

Bernie Sanders Office Cleveland Opening

Three years ago today an office opened at 11910 Detroit Ave. in Lakewood. This office was the first Bernie Sanders campaign office in the state of Ohio. It was all volunteer funded and all volunteer staffed. This office has never closed. Today it is still all volunteer funded and all volunteer staffed. Today it is the office of the Cuyahoga County Progressive Caucus.

Three years ago we began the Political Revolution in Northeast Ohio fighting to get Bernie Sanders elected to save our country from the Corporate Oligarchy that continues to destroy it.

Today we are bigger and stronger than ever as we continue the Political Revolution in Northeast Ohio. We know we are always heavy underdogs in any battle against the Corporate Oligarchy. Nevertheless in 2017 we came very close to stopping the $88 million Q Renovations corporate welfare scam. Plus, we have helped get 16 endorsed candidates elected and have over 3000 active members. As we get bigger and bigger our odds of victory get better and better.

In 2019 we will continue the Political Revolution by fighting wealth inequality and injustice wherever we can, by continuing to vigorously resist the draconian policies of the Trump administration and by getting more progressives elected to local office.

To those of you that are in the photo below thank you very much for still being with us! To those of you who have joined us since that day three years ago thank you very much for signing up to help change history!

1/9/2016 – The crowd grows to 200, spilling into the street, outside Sanders first Ohio office on its inaugural day.

Ohio’s Not Waiting for Bernie Sanders is a Daily Kos article describing the 2016 event.

By the way we still have the Northeast Ohio for Bernie banners seen in the photo just in case…  

Three Days From Today

Organizing for Bernie 2020

Saturday, January 12 from 4 to 6 pm @ CCPC Office 11910 Detroit Ave. Lakewood 44017

We are joining the national Organizing for Bernie movement with a mobilizing live stream — one of hundreds of similar events taking place across the country! This event will begin with introductions and a quick kickoff message, followed by the national live stream, and will wrap up with a strategy session and Q&A. If you want to be part of the Bernie 2020 movement, this is where it all begins.

CCPC and the 2020 Presidential Election

At this time CCPC does not intend to make a formal endorsement for the 2020 presidential election until later this year when all of the candidates have announced and some of the debates which begin in June have occurred.

As always the endorsement will be determined by a vote of our membership. Until that vote occurs our intent is to cover and promote the events of any serious progressive candidate that is thinking of or decides to enter the 2020 race.

Please DONATE today to help CCPC continue the Political Revolution in Northeast Ohio! Steve Holecko, CCPC Political Director 440-220-1874