Tuesday Primary Success for Many CCPC-Endorsed Candidates

CCPC Endorsed Candidates

More than half of the baker’s dozen candidates endorsed by the Cuyahoga County Progressive Caucus in Tuesday’s primary election have advanced to the general election.

Endorsed candidates who will continue toward the November election include Sherrod Brown (US Senate), Betsy Rader (US Congress 14th district); Nickie Antonio (Ohio Senate District 23); Kenny Yuko (Ohio Senate District 25); Kent Smith (Ohio House District 8); Mike Skindell (Ohio House District 13); and Cassimir Svigelj (Ohio House District 16).

A majority of the winning CCPC-endorsed candidates emerged from contested primaries. The primary for Ohio Senate District 23 drew substantial media attention, and looked to be a close race for much of Tuesday evening before Antonio pulled ahead with overwhelming support from Lakewood, her home and that of CCPC’s headquarters. Though a write-in opposition candidate will challenge Antonio in November, she is likely to become the first openly gay member of the Ohio Senate next year.

Current state Senator Mike Skindell, whose race was listed among Capitol Letter‘s “top Ohio legislative primary races to watch,” wrote on Wednesday morning “I also want to thank theā€¦ organizations who fight daily for working people and who supported our campaign,” including CCPC.

In addition to candidates seeking election in November, CCPC communicated to members in support of nearly 100 candidates for Cuyahoga County Democratic Party Central Committee. More than two-thirds of these candidates won, and will be sworn-in next month.

Finally, the redistricting reform Issue 1 succeeded, and earned more than 82% support in Cuyahoga County; CCPC both endorsed Issue 1 and actively supported the larger Fair Districts campaign.