April Regional Meetings

What you can do to help make this years Ohio budget as Progressive as it can possibly be! Governor Mike DeWine has released his proposed 2019 State Budget. Some of it is not bad. Some of it is not good. The General Assembly will first offer amendment’s in the House and then in the Senate… Continue reading April Regional Meetings

Categorized as Events

Oral Testimony – SB 33

Given by Randy Cunningham to the Ohio Senate Judiciary Committee on April 10, 2019.  The stated motivation behind SB 33 is to protect critical infrastructure facilities – by and large oil and gas facilities – from environmentally inspired damage and vandalism.  The examples proponents give of such destruction or tampering are from out of state. … Continue reading Oral Testimony – SB 33

Categorized as SB 33

Some things you can do to stop SB 33 – the anti-protest bill.

There is plenty of information about SB 33. The best general document on this type of legislation is available from the Defending Dissent organization – web page rightsanddissent.org. Go tohttps://rightsanddissent.org/resource/critical-infrastructure-bills-toolkit-for-activists/ Another more focused treatment of SB 33 is provided by Earthwatch’s written statement and analysis of SB 33 that is available at the Buckeye Environmental… Continue reading Some things you can do to stop SB 33 – the anti-protest bill.